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Achiote La Favorita 500 ml.

Achiote La Favorita 500 ml.

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Achiote La Favorita

Achiote is much more than a spice; it is a symbol of the country’s rich culinary heritage and cultural traditions. Its vibrant color and unique flavor continue to be cherished in Ecuadorian kitchens, making it an indispensable component of the nation’s gastronomy.

Appearance and Taste:

Achiote seeds are small, hard, and typically deep red or orange in color. When ground into a powder or processed into a paste, they release a mildly peppery, nutty, and slightly sweet flavor with earthy undertones. The color it imparts to dishes is often more prominent than its taste, creating visually appealing culinary creations.

Culinary Uses:

In Ecuador, achiote is a fundamental ingredient in many traditional dishes. It is commonly used to make “achiote oil” by heating the seeds in oil until they release their vibrant color, which is then used as a base for cooking. This oil is essential in preparing dishes such as “seco de pollo” (chicken stew), “locro de papas” (potato soup), and “encocado” (coconut-based seafood stew).

Cultural Significance:

Beyond its culinary applications, achiote has historical and cultural importance in Ecuador. Indigenous peoples have long used it not only as a food additive but also as a natural dye for textiles and body paint. It is also believed to have medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.


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